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JJS M04   
 Takahashi K., 2012: A taxonomic study on the genus Asiopodabrus (Coleoptera, Cantharidae) of Japan. 359 pp, 184 coulor Figs. (in English). Japanese Journal of systematic Entomology (M.S.) 4: 1-359. Discount 20%!
  792  32
PEM 17   
 Tarnawski D., Platia G., Mertlik J., 2018: Catalogue of the family Elateridae from Turkey. Mit Biographie von Reiner Schimmel. Polish entomological monograph 17. 287 pp. Polish entomological society, Poznan. Discount 30%!
  693  28
clw 067   
 The Cileopterists Bulletin, vol. 36, No. 4. Six articles about Coleoptera, Carabidae: Bembidiini. (in English). 78 pp. 
  150  0
 Tomaszewska W., 2010: Rhyzobius (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), a revision of the world species. 475 pp. incl. 197 plates (incl. 5 with 45 fully coloured specimens).  Discount 30%!
  1393  56
 Tronquet M., (ed.), 2014-2018: Catalogue des Coleopteres de France. 1052 pp. + Index, errata, données nouvelles (supplément no. 1). 184 pp. + Supplément n° 2. 42 pp. + Supplément n° 3. 13 pp. + Supplément n° 4. 20 pp.  Discount 30%!
  2093  84
 Tronquet M., (ed.), 2015: Catalogue des Coleopteres de France. Index, errata, données nouvelles (supplément no. 1). 184 pp.  Discount 20%!
  396  16
 Tsukamoto K., Inagaki M., Kawahara M., Mori M., 2017: Geotrupes and related species of Japan. 113 pp. incl. 47 plates with colour photos and colour distribution maps (in Japanese). [860] 
  1990  80

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