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Cat. no.   TitleCZK EUR basket selection

 Sama G., 2002: Atlas of the Cerambycidae of Europe and Mediterranean area. Part 1. Northern and Central Europe. 36 colour plates with 729 photographs, 173 pp. (in English). New Edition! 
  3490  140
 Sama G., 2010: Catalogue commenté des Cerambycidae du Liban. 4 colour plates, 71 pp. Quad. Studi Nat. Romagna 30: 131-201.
  395  16
 Sama G., 2023: Atlas of the Cerambycidae of Europe and Mediterranean area. Vol. 2. Northern Africa from Morocco to Egypt and Atlantic Isles (Canary Islands, Madeira, Azores and close small isles.(In English). (29 color tables) 435 pp. Natura Edizioni Scientifiche
  3290  132
NID 11   
 Schaum H., 1860: Carabidae, Dytiscidae, Gyrinidae. Naturgeschichte der Insecten Deutschlands. Erste Abtheilung. Coleoptera. Erster Band, erste hälfte. 791+144 pp. Bound in hard cover, perfect condition.  Discount 50%!
  1995  68
GIN 215   
 Schedl K. E., 1962: Coptonotidae (now in Curculionidae: Scolytinae). Wytsman P. (ed.): Genera Insectorum, fasc. 215. 1 plate, 13 pp.  Discount 20%!
  156  6.40
 Scheerpeltz O., 1974: Coleoptera: Staphylinidae (exclus. subfam. Paederinae, except pars min.). Results of the Lund University Expedition in 1950-1951. 352 pp. South African Animal Life 15: 43-394.
  1990  80
 Schimmel R., 2003: Die Megapenthini-Arten Süd- und Südostasiens. Zweiter Teil: Acumenator, Anchastelater, Dicarinator, Gamepenthes, Ganoxanthus, Martiniana und Simodactylus. 261 pp. (in German). Pollichia-Buch 42. Discount 20%!
  552  23
 Schimmel R., 2004: Die Megapenthini-Arten Süd- und Südostasiens. Dritter Teil: Abelater, Amamipenthes, Cateanus n. gen., Friedrichiellus n. gen., Hayekpenthes, Megapenthes, Melanoxanthus, Pengamethes, Platianeus n. gen., Sawadapenthes und Wallaceus n. gen. 503 pp. (in German). Pollichia-Buch 45. Discount 20%!
  552  23
 Schimmel R., 2005: Die Megapenthini-Arten Süd-und Südostasiens. Vierter Teil: Phylogenese, Zoogeographie und Katalog. 411 pp. (in German). Pollichia-Buch 48. Discount 30%!
  483  20
GEN S17   
 Schimmel R., Tarnawski D., 2009: Monograph of the tribe Quasimusini (Insecta: Coleoptera, Elateridae, Negastriinae). 169 pp. Genus suppl. 17: 1-169. Discount 50%!
  495  20
PEM 08   
 Schimmel R., Tarnawski D., 2012: Monograh of the monophylum Tetrigusina (Insecta: Coleoptera, Elateridae, Agrypninae). Polish Entomological Monograph 8. 288 pp. [816] Polish entomological society, Poznan. Discount 30%!
  693  28
PEM 09   
 Schimmel R., Tarnawski D., 2015: Revision of the genus Actenicerus Kiesenwetter, 1858 from China (Coleoptera, Elateridae). Polish entomological monograph 9. 101 pp. Polish entomological society, Poznan. Discount 30%!
  347  14
PEM 10   
 Schimmel R., Tarnawski D., 2015: Revision of the genus Corymbitodes Buysson, 1904 from China (Coleoptera, Elateridae). Polish entomological monograph 10. 114 pp. Polish entomological society, Poznan. Discount 30%!
  347  14
 Schimmel R., Tarnawski D., Han T., Platia G., 2015: Monograph of the new tribe Selatosomini from China (Elateridae: Denticollinae). Part I. 328 pp. [PEM 11]  Discount 20%!
  792  32
PEM 11   
 Schimmel R., Tarnawski D., Han T., Platia G., 2015: Monograph of the new tribe Selatosomini from China (Elateridae: Denticollinae). Part I. Polish entomological monograph 11. 328 pp.(844) Polish entomological society, Poznan. Discount 20%!
  792  32
PEM 12   
 Schimmel R., Tarnawski D., Han T., Platia G., 2016: Monograph of the new tribe Selatosomini from China (Elateridae: Denticollinae). Part II. Polish entomological monograph 12. 280 pp. Polish entomological society, Poznan. Discount 30%!
  693  28
 Seevers C. H., Herman L. H., 1978: A generic and tribal revision of the North American Aleocharinae (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). 289 pp. Fieldiana, zoology, 71: 1-289. Discount 20%!
  792  32
ABE M10   
 Seidlitz G., Stierlin G., 1872: Monographie des Otiorhynchides. Premiere partie. 452 pp., wrappers. L'Abeille, Mémoires d'entomologie 10: i-iv, 1-452. Discount 50%!
  395  16
 Shunxiang R., Xingmin W., Hong P., Zhengqiang P., Tao Z., 2009: Colored pictorial handbook of ladybird beetles [Coccinellidae] in China. More than 500 coloured photographs, 336 pp.  Discount 30%!
  2093  84
 Sláma M., 1998: Tesaříkovití (Cerambycidae) České republiky a Slovenské republiky. Výskyt, bionomie, hospodářský význam, ochrana. 383 pp. 
  545  20
MSC 079   
 Smetana A., 1971: Revision of the tribe Quediini of America north of Mexico (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). 303 pp. Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada 79: 1-303.
  990  40
MSC 093   
 Smetana A., 1974: Revision of the genus Cymbiodyta Bed. (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae). 113 pp. Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada 111: 1-100.
  590  24
MSC 111   
 Smetana A., 1980: Revision of the genus Hydrochara Berth. (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae). 100 pp. Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada 111: 1-100.
  590  24
MSC 120   
 Smetana A., 1982: Revision of the subfamily Xantholininae of America north of Mexico (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). 389 pp. Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada 120 :1-389.
  990  40
QEN 2420   
 Smetana A., 1988: Revision of the tribes Quediini and Atanygnathini. Part II. The Himalayan region (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). 302 pp. [242] 
  990  40
 Smetana A., 1995: Revision of the tribes Quediini and Tanygnathinini. Part III. Taiwan. (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). 145 pp.  Discount 20%!
  792  32
KOP 059   
 Smreczynski S., 1968: Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Tanymecinae, Cleoninae, Tanyrhynchinae, Hylobiinae. Klucze owadów Polski XIX(98c). 106 pp. 
  990  40
KOP 077   
 Smreczynski S., 1972: Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Curculioninae: Dryopthorini, Cossonini, Bagoini, Tanysphyrini, Notarini, Smicronychini, Ellescini, Acalyptini, Tychiini, Anthonomini, Curculionini, Pissodini, Magdalini, Trachodini, Rhynchophorini, Cryptorhynchini. Klucze owadów Polski XIX(98d). 195 pp.  Discount 50%!
  745  30
KOP 083   
 Smreczynski S., 1974: Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Curculioninae: Barini, Coryssomerini, Ceutorhynchini. Klucze owadów Polski XIX(98e). 180 pp.  Discount 50%!
  595  24
KOP 087   
 Smreczynski S., 1976: Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Curculioninae: Nanophyini, Mecinini, Cionini, Anoplini, Rhynchaenini. Klucze owadów Polski XIX(98f). 116 pp. Warszawa Discount 50%!
  395  16
 Soldati L., 2009: The darkling beetles (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) of Qatar. 17 colour plates + 101 pp.  Discount 20%!
  712  29
 Staines C. L., 2006: The hispine beetles of America north of Mexico (Chrysomelidae: Cassidinae). 7 colour plates, 178 pp.  Discount 20%!
  472  17.60
 Stebnicka Z. T., 2007-2011: Ataenius of New World; Eupariini of New World; Aphodiinae of Australia; Aegialiini and Eremazini of the World. Set of four iconographies with 10% discount.  Discount 20%!
  2232  96
 Stebnicka Z. T., 2007: The genus Ataenius Harold, 1867 (Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae) of New World. Iconography. 26 colour plates, 155 pp. 
Detailed information >>
  790  35
 Stebnicka Z. T., 2009: Aphodiinae of Australia (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). Iconography. 187 pp. incl. 10 black-and-white plates and 26 coloured plates.  Discount 10%!
  711  32
 Stebnicka Z. T., 2009: The tribe Eupariini of New World (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae). Iconography II. 19 colour plates, 135 pp. 
  790  35
 Stebnicka Z. T., 2011: Aegialiini and Eremazini of the World (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). Iconography. 92 pp. incl. 12 coloured plates. 
  790  35
KOP 138   
 Stebnicka Z., 1987: Coleoptera: Meloidae. Klucze owadów Polski XIX(84). 34 pp.  Discount 30%!
  137  5.60
FHU 148   
 Steinmann H., 1981: Coleoptera. Appendix (indices). Fauna Hungariae. 25 pp.  Discount 50%!
  75  3
ZOK 03   
 Strejček J., 1991: Bruchidae, Urodonidae, Anthribidae. Zoologické klíče 3. 24 čb. tabulí (73 druhů), 88 pp. Academia, Praha. Discount 30%!
  105  4.20
CBP 1   
 Strejček J., 2000: Chrysomelidae (s. lato), Bruchidae, Urodontidae. Katalog brouků Prahy, sv. 1. [Catalogue of the beetles (Coleptera) of Prague, volume 1.] 102 pp. (in Czech with German and English summary).  Discount 50%!
  98  4
CBP 2   
 Strejček J., 2001: Anthribidae, Curculionidae (s. lato). Katalog brouků Prahy, sv. 2. [Catalogue of the beetles (Coleptera) of Prague, volume 2.] 138 pp. (in Czech with German and English summary).  Discount 20%!
  156  6.40
GIN 210   
 Strohecker H. F., 1953: Endomychidae. Wytsman P. (ed.): Genera Insectorum, fasc. 210. 5 plates, 140 pp. (in English).  Discount 30%!
  833  34
SAR 01   
 Studies and reports of District Museum Prague-East. Taxonomical series. Vol. 1(2005)(1-2). 143 pp. Studies and reports 1(1-2): 1-143. Discount 50%!
  250  10
SAR 02   
 Studies and reports of District Museum Prague-East. Taxonomical series. Vol. 2(2006)(1-2). 144 pp.  Discount 50%!
  250  10
SAR 03   
 Studies and reports of District Museum Prague-East. Taxonomical series. Vol. 3(2007)(1-2). 179 pp.  Discount 50%!
  250  10
SAR 04   
 Studies and reports of District Museum Prague-East. Taxonomical series. Vol. 4(2008)(1-2). 294 pp.  Discount 50%!
  250  10
SAR 05   
 Studies and reports of District Museum Prague-East. Taxonomical series. Vol. 5(2009)(1-2). 366 pp.  Discount 50%!
  250  10
 Sudre J., Téocchi P., Sama G., Rousset F., 2007: Les genres Crossotus, Biobessoides et Epidichostates (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae, Crossotini). 76 pp. 
  990  40
GEN S11   
 Swietojanska J., 2001: A revision of the tribe Aspidimorphini of the Oriental Region. 18 colour plates + 318 pp. Genus suppl. 11: 1-318. Discount 50%!
  495  20

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