Wu & Hsu (eds.), 2017: Butterflies of China. 4 volumes, totally 2500 pp. (in Chinese with scientific names in Latin). Hardcover. The most exhaustive book ever published about Chinese butterflies. TextPriceLng: 15990 CZK / 595 EUR
The most exhaustive book ever published about Chinese butterflies. 99% of the over 1500 Chinese species are illustrated in 700 superb colour plates. For every species the upperside and underside of several specimens is presented, in order to show the individual and geographical variability. In the fourth volume thousands of photos of butterflies in their habitat are presented. The value of this book are not the few lines of text in the species account, but the superb iconography that allows to understand also the most difficult species-groups. Many Chinese lepidopterists have contributed to the book under the supervision of the two editors. One of them, Prof. Hsu of the Taipei University, is a leading specialist of Oriental butterflies and the author of the Guide to the butterflies of Taiwan.