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Wild life conservation, natural reserves, polution

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Cat. no.   TitleCZK EUR basket selection

ESC 06151   
 Inoue T., 2003: Chronosequential change in a butterfly community after clear-cutting of deciduous forests in a cool temperate region of central Japan. 13 pp. [32495] Entomological Science 6(3): 151-163.
  95  4
JJE 08043   
 Inoue T., 2005: Causes of butterfly decline in Japan. 21 pp. Japanese Journal of Entomology (N.S.) 7(1): 43-64.
  150  6
 Irmler U., 1975: Ecological studies of the aquatic soil invertebrates in three inundation forest of Central Amazonia. 73 pp. Amazoniana 5(3): 337-409.
  495  20
 Irmler U., 1978: Die Struktur der Carabiden- und Staphylinidengesellschaften in zentralamazonischen Überschwemmungswäldern. 26 pp. Amazoniana 6(3): 301-326
  250  10
ACM 78325   
 Isaac B. L., 2010: A phytogeographical and ecological study of Prenanthes crepidinea Michaux (Asteraceae). 12 pp. Annals of Carnegie Museum 78(4): 325-336.
  95  4

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