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Cat. no.   TitleCZK EUR basket selection

 Baldi E., 1947: Ulteriori ricerche sulla distribuzione spaziale del mesoplancton pelagico in un grande lago oligotrofo. 27 pp. ((in Italian). Memorie dell’Istituto Italiano di Idrobiologia 3: 123-149.
 Banoub M. W., Wahby S. D., 1960: Further contribution to the chemistry and hydrography of the Nouzha Hydrodrome near Alexandria, 1957-1958. 42 pp. (in English). Pp. 1-42.
 Behning A., 1919: Materialien zur Hydrofauna der Nebengewässer der Wolga. 39 pp. (in Russian). 
EVE 1053   
 Bellot A., Brunetti R., Buratto A., Gariele M., Gallotti D., Masiero L., 2004: Community structure and abundance of sublitoral meiobenthos of the northern Adriatic sea. 7 pp. (in Italian). Bolletino del Museo civico di Storia naturale Venezia 55: 53-59.
 Benson N. G., 1961: Limnology of Yellowstone lake in relation to the cutthroat trout. 33 pp. (in English). 
MUZ 62   
 Bigelow H. B., 1913: A new closing-net for horizontal use, with a suggested method of testing the catenary in fast towing. 5 pp. (in English). Internationale Revue der gesamten Hydrobiologie und Hydrographie: 576-580.
ZVA 56   
 Bizio E., Campo E., Robich G., Ratti E., Busato L., 2004: Biodiversita della Laguna di Venezia e della costa nord adriatica veneta Biodiversity of the lagoon of Venice and of the venetian northern Adriatic coast. 6 pp. (in Italian). Bolletino del Museo civico di Storia naturale Venezia 55: 217-222.
 Böttger K., 1984: Einige ökologische Beobachtungen am Nekton und Benthon guatemaltekischer Bergbäche (Mittelamerika), unter besonder Berücksichtigung des temporären Río Cuxjá. 22 pp. Amazoniana 8(4): 475-496.
 Brinkhurst R. O., Hamilton A. L., Herrinton H. B., 1968: Components of the Bottom fauna of the St. Lawrence, Great Lakes. 50 pp. 
LMN 5   
 Brinkmann W. L. F., Dos Santos A., 1970: Natural waters in Amazonia. III. Ammonium Molybdate-Reactive Silica. [Águas Naturais na Amazônia. III. Silica reativa ao molibdato de amónio.] 6 pp. Amazoniana 2(4): 443-448.
EVE 1055   
 Brunetti R., Gabriele M., Bellot A., Masiero L., 2004: First data on the meiobenthos of the Lagoon of Karavasta (Albania). 5 pp. (in Italian). Bolletino del Museo civico di Storia naturale Venezia 55: 47-51.

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