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Cat. no. FHS 02

Bílý S., 1997: World catalogue of the genus Anthaxia Eschscholtz, 1829. 188 pp. (in English).Folia Heyrovskyana Suppl. 2: 1-188. 
Price: 890 CZK / 36 EUR

World-wide catalogue of the genus Anthaxia Eschscholtz, 1829 comprising a list of subgenera, a systematic catalogue, a list of valid and invalid scientific names, a list of type repositories and a complete list of references. In the list of available names the following information is presented: name of taxon, author and year of description, subgenus, status of the taxon (species, subspecies, variety), abbreviated citation of the description, original combination, description of larva, and distribution. All items in all chapters are arranged alphabetically.
Corrections and additions up to 1999 were published in the following article:
Bílý S., 1999: Supplement to the “World Catalogue of the Genus Anthaxia (Coleoptera: Buprestidae)”. Folia Heyrovskyana 7(5): 229-242. Cat. no. FHC 120, price 150 CZK.
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