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Japanese Journ. of Entomology (Tokyo)


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JJE 02161 
Sawada Y., Hirowatari T., Ishii M., 1999: Species diversity od edaphic beetle communities in the coppice of Mt. Mikusayama, Central Japan. 18 pp. (in Japanese).  Japanese Journal of Entomology (N.S.) 2(4): 161-178.
  50  2
JJE 04129 
Shimiyu T., Kawasaki K., Hinomoto N., 2001: Factors limiting the northern distribution in Orius strigicollis (Poppius) (Heteroptera: Anthocoridae). 13 pp. [HEM 2075] (in English).  Japanese Journal of entomology (N.S.) 4(4): 129-141.
  50  2
JJE 05059 
Shibata A., Watanabe K., Yoshio M., Ishii M., 2002: Daily activity of the small white butterfly, Pieris rapae crucivora Boisduval (Lepidoptera: Pieridae), in an artificial light cycle. 11 pp. [LEP 5210]  Japanese Journal of Entomology (N. S.) 5(3): 59-69.
  50  2
JJE 05143 
Sugiura S., Fukasawa Y., Yamazaki K., 2002: Fungus-gnat Platurocypta punctum (Stannius) (Diptera: Mycetophilidae). Having emerged from a fruiting body of slime mold (Myxomyceted). 2 pp. (in English). [DIP 4902]  Japanese Journal of entomology (N.S.) 5(4): 143-144.
  50  2
JJE 06119 
Sasakawa M., 2003: Notes on the Japanese Diptera Part 2. 15 pp. (in Japanese). [63171]  Japanese Journal of entomology. (N. S.) 6(3): 119-133.
  95  4
JJE 07073 
Sakakibara M., 2004: How and why does Eurema blanda arsakia (Fruhstorfer) (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) pupate in groups 6 pp. (in Japanese). [LEP6418]  Japanese Journal of Entomology (N.S.) 7(2): 73-78.
  50  2
JJE 07097 
Sugimoto S., Seino Y., 2004: Morphological variation and life cycle of Spiraea salicifolia-infesting aphid, Aphis neospiraeae Takahashi (Homoptera: Aphididae). 8 pp. (in Japanese). [HEM 2932]  Japanese Journal of Entomology (N.S.) 7(3): 97-104.
  50  2
JJE 07185 
Shimitzu a., Ishikawa R., 2004: Taxonomic studies on the Pompilidae occurring in Japan north of the Ryukyus. Genus Dipogon, subgenus Deuteragenia (Hymenoptera) (Parts 1-3). 15 pp. (in English).  Japanese Journal of Entomology (N. S.) 7(4): 185-199.
  150  6
JJE 08075 
Sasakawa M., 2005: Notes on the Japanese Diptera. Part 3. 4 pp.  Japanese Journal of Entomology (N.S.) 8(3): 75-78.
  50  2
JJE 09001 
Sugimoto S., Nakashima K., 2006: Comparison between Aphis serissae Shinji and Aphis gossypii Glover (Homoptera: Aphididae). 6 pp.  Japanese Journal of Entomology (N.S.) 9(1): 1-6.
  50  2
JJE 09033 
Sung I-H., Yamane S., Ho K.-K., Chen W.-S., 2006: Geographic distribution and nesting sites of the Taiwanese stingles bee Trigona ventralis hoozana and an unidentified subspecies of Asian honeybee Apis cerana in Taiwan (Hymenoptera: Apidae). 13 pp.  Japanese Journal of Entomology (N.S.) 9(2): 33-45.
  95  4
JJE 09046 
Sato T., Suzuki Y., Makihara H., 2006: Studies on the breeding of Anthracophora rusticola in the nest of honey buzard Pernis apivorus. 4 pp.  Japanese Journal of Entomology (N.S.) 9(2): 46-49.
  50  2
JJE 09079 
Suzuki S., Kobayashi N., 2006: Possibility of AFLP in the parentage analysis of insects. 8 pp.  Japanese Journal of Entomology (N.S.) 9(4): 79-86.
  50  2
JJE 10021 
Sayama K., Ueda A., Ito M., Ozaki K., 2007: Effects of selection cutting on the longicorn and scolytid beetle assemblages in an old-growth boreal mixed conifer-broadleaf forest in Hokkaido. 12 pp. (in Japanese).  Japanese Journal of Entomology (N.S.) 10(2): 21-32.
  95  4
JJE 11085 
Sugimoto S., 2008: Is Aphis fabae Scopoli (Homoptera: Aphididae) a recent invader in Japan 9 pp. (in Japanese).  Japanese Journal of Entomology (N.S.) 11(2): 85-93.
  50  2
JJE 11145 
Sugimotot S., 2008: Note on the primary host plant of Sitobion akebiae (Shinji) (Homoptera: Aphididae). 7 pp.  Japanese Journal of Entomology (N.S.) 11(3): 145-151.
  50  2
JJE 12001 
Sugimoto M., 2009: A comparative study of larval cases of Japanese Psychidae (Lepidoptera) (1). 15 pp. (in Japanese).  Japanese Journal of Entomology (N.S.) 12(1): 1-15.
  95  4
JJE 12017 
Sugimoto M., 2009: A comparative study of larval cases of Japanese Psychidae (Lepidoptera) (2). 13 pp. (in Japanese).  Japanese Journal of Entomology (N.S.) 12(1): 17-29.
  95  4
JJE 12063 
Sueyoshi M., Matoba I., 2009: Fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) of the Wakayama Prefecture, Japan. 10 pp. (in Japanese).  Japanese Journal of Entomology (N.S.) 12(2): 63-72.
  50  2
JJE 14116 
Suzuki S., 2011: Past and present studies on Silphidae: An explanation of aims for this special feature. 4 pp.  Japanese Journal of Entomology (N. S.)14(2): 116-119.
  50  2
JJE 14120 
Suzuki S., 2011: Biparental care in burying beetle: do they cooperate 5 pp.  Japanese Journal of Entomology (N. S.)14(2): 120-124.
  50  2
JJE 14193 
Sawada Y., 2011: Old record of a weevil species, Fronto capiomonti (Faust, 1882) from Japan. 1 pp.  Japanese Journal of Entomology (N. S.) 14(3): 193.
  50  2
JJE 15133 
Suzuki K., 2012: The current flourishing in evolutionary developmental biology and the ‘Pan-environmentalism’ proposed by the late Dr. Ryuchi Matsuda (1920 – 1986). 18 pp.  Japanese Journal of Entomology (N. S.)15(3): 133-150.
  95  4
JJE 15185 
Saisho Y., 2012: The website “Cicadidae in Japan”. 4 pp.  Japanese Journal of Entomology (N.S.)15(3): 185-188.
  50  2
JJE 15205 
Shiyake S., 2012: Estimation of annual population fluctuation of Cryptotympana facialis (Walker) (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) in Osaka City for 36 years. 7 pp.  Japanese Journal of Entomology (N. S.) 15(4): 205-211.
  50  2
JJE 15212 
Sueyoshi M., 2012: Tephritid flies (Diptera) and forest vegetation of Shikoku, Japan. 20 pp.  Japanese Journal of Entomology (N. S.) 15(4): 212-231.
  195  8
JJE 17032 
Sakai Y., Takahashi J.-I., 2014: Discovery of a worker of Vespa velutina (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) from Tsushima Island, Japan. 5 pp.  Japanese Journal of Entomology (N.S.) 17(1): 32-36.
  50  2
JJE 18095 
Shibuya S., Kiritani K., Murakami T., Fukaya M., Morihiro N., Yajima T., Fukuda K., 2015: Studies on the feeding habits of Synuchus cycloderus (Bates) (Coleoptera: Carabidae) by means of gut dissection method. 9 pp.   Japanese Journal of Entomology (N. S.) 18(4): 95-103.
  50  2

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