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Cat. no.
JJE 05121
Qu D., Maeta Y., Goubara M. Nakatsuka K. J., Kitamura K., 2002: Reproductive strategy in the two species of cleptoparasitic astigmatid mites, Chaetodactylus nipponicus and Tortonia sp. (Acari: Chaetodactylidae and Suidasiidae), infesting Osmia corniforns (Hymenoptera: Megalichilidae). I. Invasion / infestation patterns and partitive use of the host food. 21 pp. (in Japanese). [HYM 4792] Japanese Journal of entomology. (N.S.) 5(4): 121-141.
JJE 06055
Qu D.-C., Maeta Y., Nakatsuka K. J., Kitamura K., Goubara M., 2003: Reproductive strategy in the two species of cleptoparasitic astigmatid mites, Chaetodactylus nipponicus and Tortonia sp. (Acari: Chaetodactylidae and Suidasiidae), infesting Osmia cornifrons (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae). II. Life history, phoretic positions, development and reproductivity. 19 pp. (in Japanese). [78809] Japanese Journal of entomology. (N. S.) 6(2): 55-73.