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FHA 10195   
 Bílý S., 2002: New species, subspecies and taxonomical notes on Anthaxia (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) from the Palaearctic and Afrotropical regions. 9 pp. ( pdf 50 CZK/2 EUR) Folia Heyrovskyana 10(4): 195-203.
  95  4
AEP S10   
 Bílý S., 2002: Summary of the bionomy of the buprestid beetles of Central Europe (Coleoptera: Buprestidae). 16 colour plates, 104 pp. Acta entomologica Musei nationalis Pragae suppl. 10: 1- Discount 20%!
  392  16
FHA 10017   
 Bílý S., 2002: Three new species of African Anthaxia (Coleoptera: Buprestidae). 8 pp. ( pdf 50 CZK/2 EUR) Folia Heyrovskyana 10(1): 17-24.
  95  4
FHA 12083   
 Bílý S., 2004: Book review. S. Gussmann & E. Holm 2004: The African Jewel Beetles (Buprestidae: Julodinae). 2 pp. [FHC200] ( pdf 50 CZK/2 EUR) Folia Heyrovskyana 12A(2-3): 83-84.
  50  2
FHA 12069   
 Bílý S., 2004: Studies on the genus Philanthaxia with the descriptions of new species (Coleoptera: Buprestidae). 14 pp. ( pdf 75 CZK/3 EUR) Folia Heyrovskyana 12(2-3): 69-82.
  150  6
FHS 12   
 Bílý S., 2006: A revision of the Anthaxia (Anthaxia) funerula species-group (Coleoptera: Buprestidae: Anthaxiini). 10 colour plates, 75 pp. (in English).  Folia Heyrovskyana Suppl. 12: 1-75.
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  590  25
PAE 82144   
 Bílý S., 2006: Philanthaxia nelsoni sp. nov. from Indonesia (Coleoptera: Buprestidae). 3 pp. Pan-pacific entomologist 82(2): 144-146.
  50  2
FHA 14160    
 Bílý S., 2007: Book reviews. [Barker S. 2006: Castiarina, Australia’s richest jewel beetle genus; Bellamy C. L. 2006: Faune de Madagascar 92. Insecta: Coleoptera: Buprestidae de Madagascar et îles voisines. Catalogue annoté.] 3 pp. [FHC241] ( pdf 50 CZK/2 EUR) Folia Heyrovskyana 14A(2006)(4): 160-162.
  50  2
FHA 15115   
 Bílý S., 2008: A revision of the genus Chalcogenia (Coleoptera: Buprestidae: Anthaxiini). 9 colour plates, 72 pp. [FHC253] [B20] [M59] Folia Heyrovskyana 15A(2007)(3-4): 115-186.
  250  10
FHA 1534   
 Bílý S., 2008: Revision of the genus Chalcogenia (Coleoptera: Buprestidae: Anthaxiini). 9 colour plates, 72 pp. ( pdf 195 CZK/8 EUR) Folia Heyrovskyana 15(3-4)(2007): 115-186.
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  395  18
FHA 18001   
 Bílý S., 2010: A revision of the Anthaxia (Haplanthaxia) zanzibarica species-group (Coleoptera: Buprestidae: Buprestinae: Anthaxiini). 23 pp. (pdf 125 CZK/5 EUR) Folia Heyrovskyana 18(1-3): 1-23.
  250  10
FHS 14   
 Bílý S., 2015: A revision of the Anthaxia (Haplanthaxia) aeneocuprea species-group (Coleoptera: Buprestidae: Anthaxiini). 96 pp. incl. 60 colour photographs. Folia Heyrovskyana suppl. 14: 1-96.
  590  25
FHS 15   
 Bílý S., 2018: A revision of the genus Agrilaxia of the Central and North America(Coleoptera: Buprestidae: Anthaxiini). 14 colour plates, 82 pp.  Folia Heyrovskyana supplementum 15: 1-82.
  590  25
FHA 07091   
 Bílý S., Bellamy C. L.. 1999: The genus Agrilaxia and description of a new genus from Africa (Coleoptera: Buprestidae). 8 pp. ( pdf 50 CZK/2 EUR) Folia Heyrovskyana 7(2): 91-98.
  95  4
AEP 53657   
 Bílý S., Brülé S., 2013: A study on the genus Agrilaxia of French Guiana (Coleoptera: Buprestidae: Anthaxiini). 30 pp. Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 53(2): 657-686.
  295  12
FHA 13163   
 Bílý S., Curletti G., Aberlenc H.-P., 2006: Entomofauna of Vanikoro (Solomon Islands). Part 1. Introduction and Coleoptera: Buprestidae. One colour plate, 10 pp. [FHC222] [M21] [M54] Folia Heyrovskyana 13A(2005)(4): 163-172.
  95  4
FHA 14181   
 Bílý S., Kirejtschuk A. G., 2007: Philanthaxoides gallicus gen. nov., sp. nov. from the Lowermost Eocene French amber (Coleoptera: Buprestidae). One colour plate, 6 pp. [FHC 243] [M13] 
  50  2
AEP 52433   
 Bílý S., Kubáň V., 2012: A revison of the genus Anthaxia from the Philippines (Coleoptera: Buprestidae: Buprestinae: Anthaxiini). 10 pp. Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 52(2): 433-442.
  95  4
AEP 53287   
 Bílý S., Kubáň V., 2013: Anthaxia (Haplanthaxia) krali sp. nov. (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) from China. 6 pp. Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 53(1): 287-292.
  50  2
AEP 49729   
 Bílý S., Kubáň V., Volkovitsh M. G., 2009: A study on the tribe Poecilonotini, with a revision of the subtribe Nesotrinchina subtrib. nov. and the description of a new genus and species from Papua New Guinea (Coleoptera: Buprestidae: Chrysochroinae). 39 pp. (in English). Acta entomologica Musei nationalis Pragae 49(2): 729-767.
  395  16
AEP 54605   
 Bílý S., Sakalian V., 2014: A revision of the Anthaxia (Haplanthaxia) mashuna species-group (Coleoptera: Buprestidae: Buprestinae). 17 pp. Acta entomologica Musei nationalis Pragae 54(2): 605-621.
  150  6
FHA 13007   
 Bílý S., Volkovitsh M. G., 2005: Larvae of Australian Buprestidae (Coleoptera). Part 3. Genera Maoraxia and Anthaxoschema with a review of larval characters of known anthaxiine taxa. 20 pp. [FHC 214] [M13] 
  150  6
FHA 15053   
 Bílý S., Volkovitsh M. G., 2007: Descriptions of some buprestid larvae from Chile (Coleoptera: Buprestidae). 27 pp. [FHC250] ( pdf 95 CZK/4 EUR) Folia Heyrovskyana 15A(2): 53-79.
  195  8
FHA 13001   
 Bílý S., Westcott R. L., 2005: A new species of Agrilaxia from Mexico, with notes on related species (Coleoptera: Buprestidae: Anthaxiini). One colour plate, 6 pp. [FHC213] ( pdf 50 CZK/2 EUR) Folia Heyrovskyana 13A(1-2): 1-6.
  95  4
ZME 82489   
 Bonsignore C. P., Achterberg C. van, Vacante V., 2008: First record of Braconidae as parasitoids of Capnodis tenebrionis (Linnaeus) (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), with notes on the ecology of Spathius erythrocephalus Wesmael (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). 10 pp. Zoologische Mededelingen 82: 489-498.
  95  4
 Casey T. L., 1909: Studies in the American Buprestidae. 132 pp. 
  990  40
EAF 23331   
 Cobos A., 1972: Notas sobre Bupréstidos neotropicales, XVIII. 23 pp. Entomologische Arbeiten aus dem Museum G. Frey 23: 331-353.
  250  10
 Cobos A., 1990: Revisión del género Dismorpha Gistel (Coleoptera, Buprestidae). 21 pp. (in French). Revta bras. Ent 34(3): 539-559.
  250  10
BUP 124   
 Contarini E., 1983: Contributo alla conoscenza dei Buprestidi italiani, noc particolare riguardo alla fauna di Romagna (Coleoptera, Buprestidae). 6 pp. Giornale italiano di entomologia 1(4): 205-210.
  50  2
CBU 36022   
 Crowson R. A., 1982: On the Dryopoid affinities of Buprestidae (Coleoptera: Buprestidae). 4 pp. The Coleopterists Bulletin 36(1): 22-25.
  50  2
ELY 13057   
 Curletti G., 1999: Nuove specie sudafricane del gen. Agrilus Curtis, 1825 (Coleoptera: Buprestidae). 30 pp. Elytron 13: 57-86.
  295  12
LAM 105545   
 Curletti G., 2005: Notes about the genus Agrilus Curtis in Panama (Col. Buprestidae). 28 pp. Lambillionea 105(4): 545-572.
  250  10
BMT 26083   
 Curletti G., 2009: Sul genere Steraspis Dejean, 1833 (Coleoptera, Buprestidae). 71 pp. Bolletino del Museo regionale di Scienze Naturali – Torino 26(2008)(1-2): 83-153.
  690  28
FHA 12175   
 Curletti G., Bellamy C. L., 2005: Two new species of African Agrilini (Coleoptera: Buprestidae: Agrilinae). 1 colour plate, 4 pp. [FHC 209] [M13] 
  50  2
PAE 82213   
 Davidson J. M., 2006: A new species from southern California and taxonomic change in Acmaeoderopsis (Coleoptera: Buprestidae). 10 pp. Pan-pacific entomologist 82(2): 213-222.
  50  2
BUP 937   
 Descarpentries A., 1958: La réserve naturelle intégrale du mont nimba. V. Coléopteres Buprestides. 5 pp. [BUP] (in French). Mémoires de I’institut Francais d’Afrique noire 53: 163-167.
  50  2
 Descarpentries A., 1959: Buprestides récoltés en Afrique orientale anglaise par J. C. M. Gardner. 10 pp. (in French). Revue Francais d’Entomologie 26(2): 86-95.
  95  4
QEN 11587   
 Evans W. G., 1975: Wax secretions in the infrared sensory pit of Melanophila acuminata (Coleoptera: Buprestidae). 3 pp.[ BUP 894] Quaestiones Entomologicae 11(4): 587-589.
  50  2
 Farrugia S., 2007: Les Agrilus de France. 125 pp. 
  1090  42
BSM 71021   
 Feldtrauer J. F., Feldtrauer J. J., 2015: Confirmation de la présence d’Agrilus suvorovi Obenberger, 1935 en Alsace (Coleoptera, Buprestidae, Agrilinae). 2 pp. Bulletin de la Société entomologique de Mulhouse 71(2): 21-22.
  50  2
BUP 904   
 Fisher W. S., 1922: Notes on Agrilus lateralis Say (Coleop.). 2 pp. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 24(5): 124-125.
  50  2
 Fisher W. S., 1924: New buprestid beetles from the Philippine Islands I. 8 pp. Philippine Journal of Science 24(1): 45-52.
  95  4
 Fisher W. S., 1925: Buprestid beetles collected by the Mulford biological exploration in Bolivia. 45 pp. Proceedings of the United States National Museum (Number 2568) 66(31): 1-46.
  590  24
 Fisher W. S., 1925: Buprestid beetles from the Maritime Provinces of Siberia. 8 pp. Proceedings of the United States National Museum (Number 2608) 68(7): 1-8.
  95  4
 Fisher W. S., 1926: Fauna Samarensis: Coleoptera, Buprestidae. 10 pp. Philippine Journal of Science 31(2):235-244.
  95  4
 Fisher W. S., 1928: A revision of the North American species of Buprestid beetles belonging to the genus Agrilus. 347 pp. United States National Museum Bulletin 145: 1-347.
  1490  60
 Fisher W. S., 1929: New species of buprestid beetles from Costa Rica. 20 pp. Proceedings of the United States National Museum (Number 2803) 76(6): 1-20.
  295  12
BUP 909   
 Fisher W. S., 1937: New species of Buprestidae from Java. II. (Coleoptera). 6 pp. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 39(8):231-236.
  50  2
BUP 150   
 Fisher W. S., 1943: New species of Buprestid beetles of the genus Agrilus from Trinidad. 6 pp. [BUP911] Proceedings of the United States National Museum (Number 3167) 93: 375-380.
  50  2
BUP 912   
 Fisher W. S., 1943: Two new Buprestidae (Coleoptera). 3 pp. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 45(8): 201-203.
  50  2

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