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TextCatNo   TextTitleCZK EUR basket selection

ASF 19355   
 Carayon J., 1983: In Memoriam: André Villiers (1915-1983). 2 pp. (in French). [BIO 27]  Annales de la Societe entomologique de France (N.S.) 19(4): 355-356.
  50  2
BIO 19   
 Carpenter H., 1939: A letter from A. R. Wallace to F. P. Pascoe, written from Ternate, 20 december 1860. 2 pp. 
  50  2
RPC 30343   
 Casale A., 2009: Ricordo di Giuseppe Vachino (1912 – 2008). 4 pp. (in Italy). Rivista Piemontese di Storia Naturale 30: 343-346.
  50  2
MSI 80235   
 Casale A., Balletto E., 2001: Ricordo di Vilfrido Cameron-Curry (13.VII.1930 – 11.X.1999). [With entomological bibliography.] 3 pp. Memorie della Societá Entomologica Italiana 80: 235-237.
  50  2
 Chermette A., 1996: Jacques Coeur. 16 pp. (in French). 
  95  4
KLA 51265   
 Collard R., Vávra J. C., 2015: Vzpomínka na entomologa RNDr. Petra Štourače. (In memory of entomologist Dr. Petr Štourač). 7 pp. Klapalekiana 51(3-4): 265-271.
  50  2
BIO 21   
 Collart A., 1963: Jean-Marie Vrydagh (1905-1962). Notice biographique. 13 pp. 
  50  2
FGE 15001   
 Colonnelli E., Vigna Taglianti A., 1979: Marcello Cerruti (1908-1978). 1 pp. Fragmenta entomologica 15(1): 1.
  50  2
GRA 64143   
 Compte Sart A., 2008: In memoriam Salvador V. Peris Torres (1922-2007). 18 pp. (in Spain). Graellsia 64(1): 143-160.
  50  2
EBA 27337   
 Constantin R., 2005: Walter Wittmer (1915-1998), his life and work. 10 pp. [M02] [M46] [M53] Entomologica Basiliensia et collectionis Frey 27: 337-346.
  50  2
MTE 20021   
 Creutzburg F., 2013: Malte Jänicke zum 75. Geburtstag. 8 pp. (in German). Mitteilungen des Thüringer Entomologenverbandes e. V. 20(1): 21-28.
  50  2

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