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SPX 19293   
 Schrödl M., 1996: Janolus rebeccae, a new species of arminacean nudibranchs from northern Chile (Gastropoda, Nudibranchia, Zephyrinidae). 8 pp. [MOL104] Spixiana 19(3): 293-300.
  50  2
SPX 20081   
 Schrödl M., 1997: On the Magellanic Nudibranch Gargamella immaculata Bergh, 1894, and its synonymy to G. latior Odhner, 1926 (Gastropoda, Nudibranchia, Kentrodorididae). 12 pp. [MOL105] Spixiana 20(1): 81-92.
  50  2
SPX 22247   
 Schrödl M., 1999: Hancockia schoeferti spec. nov., a new dendronotoidean nudibranch species from central Chile (Gastropoda, Nudibranchia, Hancockiidae). 8 pp. Spixiana 22(3): 247-254.
  50  2
SPX 37161   
 Schrödl M., 2014: Opinion: Time to say “Bye-bye Pulmonata” 4 pp. Spixiana 37(2): 161-164.
  50  2
SPX 30145   
 Schwabe E., 2007: Taxonomic notes on chitons. 5. On some problematic and a new record of Polyplacophora from Indonesia. (Mollusca). 14 pp. Spixiana 30(2): 145-158.
  95  4
SPX 25193   
 Sirenko B., Schwabe E., 2002: Taxonomic notes on chitons. 2. Taxonomic status of chitons of the Ischnochiton oniscus group. (Mollusca, Polyplacophora, Ischnochitonidae). 6 pp. Spixiana 25(3): 193-198.
  50  2
BZB 55311   
 Staubach S., Klussmann-Kolb A., 2007: The cephalic sensory orgnas of Acteon tornatilis (Linnaeus, 1758) (Gastropoda Opisthobranchia) – cellular innervation patterns as a tool for homologisation. 8 pp. Bonner zoologische Beiträge 55(2006-2007)(3-4): 311-318.
  50  2
TFA 14067   
 Stegmann S., 2009: Mollusken in Südthüringen, Teil 1: Mollusken-Lebensgemeinschaften der Keuper- und Muschelkalk- Trockenrasen, der Laubwälder über Muschelkalk und der Gewässer (Mollusca: Gastropoda und Bivalvia). 20 pp. Thüringer Faunistische Abhandlungen 14: 67-86.
  195  8
TFA 16061   
 Stegmann S., 2011: Mollusken in Südthüringen, Teil 2: Mollusken-Lebens-gemeinschaften von Laubwäldern über basischen und sauren Gesteinen, Feuchthabitaten und Sonderstandorten (Mollusca: Gastropoda). 24 pp. Thüringer Faunistische Abhandlungen 16: 61-84.
  195  8
TFA 12101   
 Strätz C., 2007: Erstnachweis der Glatten Glanzschnecke, Morlina glabra glabra (Rossmässler, 1835), für Thüringen (Gastropoda: Oxychilidae). 13 pp. (in German). Thüringer Faunistische Abhandlungen 12: 101-113.
  95  4
ACM 80043   
 Sturm C. F., 2011: Description of a new genus and species of scallop (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Pectinidae) from the Upper Cenozoic of North Carolina. 6 pp. Annals of Carnegie Museum 80(1): 43-48.
  50  2
AZC 35657   
 Stworzewicz E., 1993: Miocene fauna of land snails in the region of Cracow. 7 pp. [MOL 73] Acta zoologica cracoviensia 35(3): 657-663.
  50  2
GEN 08197   
 Stworzewicz E., Prisyazhnyuk V. A., 1997: Helicodiscus (Helicodiscus) depressus (Eichwald, 1830) or Helicodiscus (Helicodiscus) parallelus (Say, 1821) in the Neogene of Europe (Gastropoda Pulmonata: Endodontidae). 8 pp. [MOL52] Genus 8(1): 197-204.
  50  2

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