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Chrysomeloidea excl. Cerambycidae

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DEZ 16405   
 Abdullah M., Abdullah A., 1969: Abnormal elytra, wings and other structures in a female Trirhadba virgata (Chrysomelidae) with a summary of similar teratological observations in the Coleoptera. 5 pp. Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift (N.F.) 16(4-5): 405-409.
  50  2
CHR 2   
 Achard J., 1913: Descriptions de quatre espéces nouvelles du genre Exema Lac. (Col. Phytophaga). 6 pp. 
  50  2
CHR 3   
 Achard J., 1913: Monographie du genre Amphionthe Bates. 14 pp. 
  50  2
CHR 6   
 Achard J., 1919: Description de deux espéces nouvelles du genre Chlamys. 5 pp. 
  50  2
ASC 21031   
 Achard J., 1924: Les Phytodecta et leurs variations. Espéces et variétés nouvelles. Rectifications synonymiques. 8 pp. Acta Societatis entomologicae Cechosloveniae 21: 31-37.
  50  2
CHR 8   
 Achard J., 1924: Nouveaux Chrysomelini d’Amérique (Col. Chrysomelidae). 4 pp. Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France: 132-136.
  50  2
ASC 22105   
 Achard J., 1925: Nouveaux Chrysomélides d’Afrique. (Col.). 2 pp. Acta Societatis entomologicae Cechosloveniae 22: 105-106.
  50  2
JRS 08153   
 Alaijos O., Lee J. E., 2006: Effect of body size on fecundity and longevity of the mugwort leaf beetle: Chrysolina aurichalcea Mannerheim (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). 7 pp. Journal of the Entomological Research Society 8(1): 53-59.
  50  2
JRS 081053   
 Alaijos O., Lee J. E., 2006: Effect of body size on fecundity and longevity of the mugwort leaf beetle: Chrysolina aurichalcea Mannerheim (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). 7 pp. Journal of the Entomological Research Society 8(1): 53-59.
  50  2
 Aldridge R. J. W., Pope R. D., 1986: The British species of Bruchidius Schilsky (Coleoptera: Bruchidae). 14 pp. [M04] 
  95  4
CHR 1494   
 Alghali A. M., Hummel H. E., Schuetz S., Vidal S., 2000: Influence of potato/ cabbage intercropping patterns on field distribution of Colorado Potato Beetles Lepitonotarsa decemlineata Say (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). 5 pp. (in German). Mitt. Dtsch. Ges. Allg. Agnew. Ent. 12: 87-91.
  50  2
 Allard E., 1869: Révision du genre Asida Latr. 146 pp. 
  990  40
MSG 54281   
 Alrouechdi K., Pralavorio R., Canard M., Arambourg Y., 1981: Coincidence et relations prédatrices entre Chrysopa carnea (Stephens) (Neur., Chrysopidae) et quelques ravageurs de Polivier dans le sud-est de la France. 10 pp. Mitt. Schweiz. entomol. Ges. 54(4): 281-290.
  50  2
 Anand R. K., Cox M. L., 1986: Taxonomic revision of the genus Aulacophora Chevr. I. species with yellow elytra (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Galerucinae). 11 pp. 
  95  4
PPE 46465   
 Anasiewicz A., 1976: Teren i metodyka badan nad wplywem chemicznych zabiegów przeciw stonce ziemniaczanej – Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say (Col., Chrysomelidae) na agroconoze ziemniaka w Felinie kolo Lublinaw latach 1971-1973. 8 pp. Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne 46: 465-472.
  50  2
 Andrews F. G., Gilbert A. J., 1992: Cadiz hardyi, a new genus and species of leaf beetle from a western North American sand dune (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). 11 pp. 
  95  4
CBU 46004   
 Andrews F. G., Gilbert A. J., 1992: Cadiz Hardyi, a new genus and species of leaf beetle from a western North American sand dune (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). 11 pp. The Coleopterists Bulletin 46(1): 4-14.
  95  4
EBA 16377   
 Anton K. W., 1993: Description of two new species of the genus Spermophagus Schoenherr (Coleoptera, Bruchidae, Amblycerinae) from the Oriental Region. 7 pp. [M02] [M62] Entomologica Basiliensia 16: 377-383.
  50  2
GEN 10399   
 Anton K. W., 1999: Bruchidius tenerifensis, a new species of the B. cisti group from the Canary Islands (Coleoptera: Bruchidae: Bruchinae). 4 pp. Genus 10(3): 399-402.
  50  2
GEN 10395   
 Anton K. W., 1999: Caryopemon transversovittatus n. sp. from Oriental Region (Coleoptera: Bruchidae: Pachymerinae). 4 pp. Genus 10(3): 395-398.
  50  2
GEN 10065   
 Anton K. W., 1999: Notes on Borowiecius Anton, with the description of a new species (Coleoptera: Bruchidae: Bruchinae). 8 pp. Genus 10(1): 65-72
  50  2
GEN 10059   
 Anton K. W., 1999: Notes on Caryotrypes Decelle, with the description of a new species (Coleoptera: Bruchidae: Pachymerinae). 5 pp. Genus 10(1): 59-63
  50  2
GEN 10073   
 Anton K. W., 1999: Three new species of Spermophagus Schoenherr, 1833 from Thailand, with notes on synonyymy of S. perpastus (Lea) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae: Amblycerinae). 8 pp. Genus 10(1): 73-80
  50  2
GEN 11029   
 Anton K. W., 2000: Three new species of Spermatophagus Schoenherr, 1833 from India and Laos (Coleoptera: Bruchidae: Amblycerinae). 8 pp. Genus 11(1): 29-36.
  50  2
 Anton K.-W., 1999: Revision of the Genus Sulcobruchus Chujo 1937, and description of Parasulcobruchus nov. gen. (Coleoptera, Bruchidae, Bruchinae). 22 pp. (in English). Linzer biol. Beitr. 31(2): 629-650.
  195  8
CHR 1493   
 Anton K.-W., 1999: Two new species of the Bruchus brachialis group from the Mediterranean region (Coleoptera: Bruchidae: Bruchinae). 6 pp. (in English). Linzer biol. Beitr. 31(2): 655-660.
  50  2
GEN 11013   
 Anton K.-W., 2000: Five new species of the Callosobruchus chinensis group from the Oriental Region and Australia (Coleoptera: Bruchidae: Bruchinae). 16 pp. Genus 11(1): 13-28.
  150  6
IJE 06071   
 Applebaum S. W., Tadmor U., 1971: The a-galactosidase activity of Callosobruchus chinesis larvae. 10 pp. Israel Journal Ent. 6(1): 71-80.
  50  2
CBU 42010   
 Askevold I. S., 1988: Aggregation of Phyllotreta striolata (Fab.) at high altitude in southwest Alberta, Canada (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Alticinae). 1 pp. The Coleopterists Bulletin 42(1): 10.
  50  2
JRS 16111   
 Aslan B., Bayram F., Aslan E. G., 2014: First record of the flea beetle Psylliodes wrasei Leonardi and Arnold (Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae: Alticini) in Turkey: a promising biological control agent for Hoary Cress, Lepidium draba L. (Brassicaceae). 5 pp. Journal of the Entomological Research Society 16(2): 111-115.
  50  2
JRS 162111   
 Aslan B., Bayram F., Aslan E. G., 2014: First record of the flea beetle Psylliodes wrasei Leonardi and Arnold (Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae: Alticini) in Turkey: a promising biological control agent for Hoary Cress, Lepidium draba L. (Brassicaceae). 5 pp. Journal of the Entomological Research Society 16(2): 111-115.
  50  2
JRS 15113   
 Aslan E. G., Beenen R., Bayram F., Aslan B., 2013: Chloropterus versicolor (Morawitz) in Turkey: indigeneity confirmed (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). 4 pp. (in English). Journal of the Entomological Research Society 15(2): 113-116.
  50  2
JRS 152113   
 Aslan E. G., Beenen R., Bayram F., Aslan B., 2013: Chloropterus versicolor (Morawitz) in Turkey: indigeneity confirmed (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). 4 pp. (in English). Journal of the Entomological Research Society 15(2): 113-116.
  50  2
JRS 07247   
 Aslan E. G., Gök A., 2005: Two Longitarsus Berthold species new for the Turkish fauna (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Alticinae). 4 pp. [CHR 1439] Journal of the Entomological Research Society 7(2): 47-50.
  50  2
JRS 072047   
 Aslan E. G., Gök A., 2005: Two Longitarsus Berthold species new for the Turkish fauna (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Alticinae). 4 pp. [CHR 1439] Journal of the Entomological Research Society 7(2): 47-50.
  50  2
EZS 116119   
 Aslan E. G., Gök A., 2006: New records of five flea beetles for the Turkish fauna (Coleoptera: Chrysmelidae, Alticinae). 4 pp. Entomologische Zeitschrift 116(3): 119-122.
  50  2
 Aslan I., 1998: Erzurum ili Galerucinae altfamilyasi (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) türleri üzerinde faunistik ve sistematik bir çalişma. [Faunistic and systematic studies on the subfamily Galerucinae (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in Erzurum provinces.] 15 pp. Turkish journal of entomology 22(4): 285-298.
  95  4
CHR 1408   
 Aslan I., Beenen R., Özbek H., 2003: New records of leaf beetles from Turkey (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae). 5 pp. Entomologische Blätter 98: 231-235.
  50  2
BZB 54173   
 Aslan I., Beenen R., Özbet H., 2006: Biological aspects of Galeruca circassica Reitter, 1889 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae) in relation to the weed Cephalaria procera Fish. and Lall. (Dipsacaceae) in Anatolia. 5 pp. Bonner zoologische Beiträge 54(2005)(4): 173-177.
  50  2
GEN 09343   
 Aslan I., Warchalowski A., 1998: Eine neue kleinasiatische Art der Untergattung Burlinius Lopatin, 1965 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cryptocephalinae). 8 pp. Genus 9(3): 343-350.
  50  2
JRS 10127   
 Babarinde S. A., Ewete F. K., 2008: Comparative bioactivity of three Khaya species (Meliaceae) against Callosobruchus maculatus Fabricius (Coleoptera: Bruchidae). 9 pp. Journal of the Entomological Research Society 10(1): 27-35.
  50  2
JRS 101027   
 Babarinde S. A., Ewete F. K., 2008: Comparative bioactivity of three Khaya species (Meliaceae) against Callosobruchus maculatus Fabricius (Coleoptera: Bruchidae). 9 pp. Journal of the Entomological Research Society 10(1): 27-35.
  50  2
CHR 978   
 Bagdasarjan B. A., 1967: Zhuki-zernovki (Coleoptera, Bruchidae) megrinkogo rajona Armjanskoj SSR. 3 pp. 
  50  2
 Baly J. S., 1886: Descriptions of new genera and species of Galerucidae. 13 pp. 
  150  6
CHR 31   
 Barabás L., 1973: Poznámky o niektorých slovenských lieskavkách (Col., Chrysomelidae). 4 pp. 
  50  2
ZCS 14099   
 Barabás L., 1978: Rozšírenie zástupcov rodu Pachybrachis Chevrolat na Slovensku (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae). 6 pp. Zprávy Čs. spol. entomol. při ČSAV 14: 99-104.
  50  2
CHR 30   
 Barabás L., : Macro- a brachypterná forma druhu Chrysomela staphylea Linnaeus, 1758 na Slovensku (Col., Chrysomelidae). 3 pp. 
  50  2
CHR 1440   
 Barclay M. V. L., Mann D. J., 2002: Some further records of Chrysolina americana (L.). (Chrysomelidae) in London. 2 pp. 
  50  2
CBU 65015   
 Barney R. J., Hall S. L., 2011: New host plant records for selected cryptocephaline leaf beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in Kentucky. 5 pp. The Coleopterists Bulletin 65(1): 15-19.
  50  2
PPE 45633   
 Bartkowska J., 1975: Susówka leszczynowa – Haltica brevicollis Foudras, 1860 (Col., Chrysomelidae, Halticinae), potencjalny szkodnik uprawnej leszczyny. 5 pp. Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne 45: 633-638.
  50  2

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