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LMN 10   
 Franken W., 1980: Untersuchungen im Einzugsgebiet des zentralamazonischen Urwaldbaches „Barro Branco“ auf der „terra firme“. II. Abflußspende des Baches. 5 pp. Amazoniana 7(1): 1-5.
  50  2
IJE 15101   
 Freidberg A., 1981: Life in the Dead Sea. 2 pp. Israel Journal Ent. 15: 101-102.
  50  2
 Furch K., 1985: Hydrogeochemie von Fließgewässern im Bereich der Transamazônica (Nordbrasilien). 39 pp. Amazoniana 9(3): 371-409.
  195  8
 Furch K., Junk W. J., Campos Z. E. S., 1989: Nutrient dynamics of decomposing leaves from Amazonian floodplain forest species in water. 26 pp. Amazoniana 11(1): 91-116.
  150  6
EVE 1061   
 Gabriele M., Gallotti D., Masiero L., Brunetti R., 2004: Biomass determination of meiobenthic nematode population in the Lagoon of Venice. 8 pp. (in Italian). Bolletino del Museo civico di Storia naturale Venezia 55: 39-46.
  50  2
ZBA 13009   
 Garrido García J. A., Nogueras Montiel J., 2003: La mastozoofauna de la cuenca del Río Fardes (SE de la Península Ibérica): Atlas provisional de distribución. 28 pp. [81021] Zoologica Baetica 13-14 (2002-2003): 9-36.
  195  8
LMN 12   
 Geisler R., 1967: Zur Limnochemie des Igrapé Préto. [A limnoquímica do Igarapé Préto.] 7 pp. Amazoniana 1(2): 117-123.
  50  2
 Geisler R., Schneider J., 1976: The element matrix of Amazon Waters and its relationship with the mineral content of fishes. Determinations using neutron activation analysis. 19 pp. Amazoniana 6(1): 47-65.
  95  4
 Gordeev O. N., 1948: Urozero - tip oligotrofnogo vodojema srednej Kareeii. 51 pp. 
  395  16
AUC 078063   
 Grigelis A., 1978: Stictochironomus psammophilus Tsh. larvae as an important component of the biocenose of littoral area in Lake Dusia. 5 pp. [DIP 1080] Acta Universitas Carolinae, biol. 1978(1-2): 63-67.
  50  2
 Gruber M., : Über eine Methode zur Messung des Lichtgefälles im Wasser mit Hilfe des Eder-Hechtschen Grankeils. 19 pp. (in German). Internat. Revue der ges. Hydrobiologie und Hydrographie 12: 17-35.
  95  4
LMN 13   
 Hardy E. R., Robertson B., Koste W., 1984: About the relationship between the zooplankton and fluctuating water levels of Lago Camaleao, a Central Amazonian várzea lake. 10 pp. Amazoniana 9(1): 43-52.
  50  2
VME 29217   
 Hartmann M., 2010: Der Baikalsee – die Perle Sibiriens. 2 pp. Vernate 29: 217-218.
  50  2
SPX 36161   
 Häussermann V., Försterra G., Melzer R. R., Meyer R., 2013: Gradual changes of benthic biodiversity in Comau Fjord, Chilean Patagonia – lateral observations over a decade of taxonomic research. 11 pp. Spixiana 36(2): 161-171.
  50  2
BTE 26211   
 Havelka P., 1976: Limnologische und systematische Studien an Ceratopogoniden. (Diptera: Nematocera). Besprechungen. [Limnological and systematic studies on Ceratopogonidae. (Diptera, Nematocera)]. 353 Fig. auf Tafeln, 95 pp. [63443] Beiträge zur Entomologie 26(1): 211-305.
  590  24
INS 739   
 Hickin N. E., 1953: An aquatic larva, suitable for laboratory work. 1 pp. 
  50  2
JTM 552009   
 Huang S.-F., 2002: Temporal and spatial variation of benthic marine algae in Northeastern Taiwan. 12 pp. [BOT 199] Journal of Taiwan Museum 55(2): 9-20.
  50  2
VVH 46011   
 Janetzko P., Fleige H., 2011: Redoximorphe Bodengesellschaften der Elbniederung und eines Jungmoränengebietes in Schleswig-Holstein. 7 pp. (in German). Verhandlungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins in Hamburg 46: 11-17.
  50  2
STB 655   
 Jansen W., Tham J., Koch M., 2003: Die aquatische Invertebratenfauna des Moorkomplexes Wurzacher Ried (Landkreis Ravensburg): Biodiversität, habitatspezifische Artengemeinschaften, Rote-Liste-Status und Zielarten-Konzeption. 19 pp. Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde 655A.
  150  6
ZBA 13057   
 Janssens de Bisthoven L., Gerhardt A., 2003: Use of Adenophlebia auriculata Eaton 1881 and Leptophlebia marginata (L. 1767) nymphs (Leptophlebiidae, Ephemeroptera) in aquatic ecotoxicology. 13 pp. [72060] Zoologica Baetica 13-14 (2002-2003): 57-69.
  95  4
 Jedicke A., Furch B., Saint-Paul U., Schlüter U.-B., 1989: Increase in the oxygen concentration in Amazon waters resulting from the root exudation of two notorious water plants, Eichhornia crassipes (Pontederiaceae) and Pistia stratiotes (Araceae). 17 pp. Amazoniana 11(1): 53-69.
  95  4
LMN 15   
 Junk W. J., 1980: Die Bedeutung der Wasserstandsschwankungen für die Ökologie von Überschwemmungsgebieten, dargestellt an der Várzea des mittleren Amazonas. 11 pp. Amazoniana 7(1): 19-29.
  50  2
 Kiselev I. A., 1959: Fitoplankton prudov Rybcovo-šemajnovo pitomnika. 30 pp. 
  195  8
SPX 03091   
 Kohmann F., 1980: Die Auswirkungen des Hochwassers 1977 auf die Fauna des Egglfinger Innstausees. 7 pp. Spixiana 3(1): 91-97.
  50  2
AZC 2610   
 Kolasa J., 1983: Formation of the turbellarian fauna in a submontane stream in Italy. 58 pp. [80430] [M57] Acta zoologica cracoviensia 26/10: 297-354.
  295  12
AMM 81121   
 Kopecký J., Koudelková B., 1997: Seasonal succession of plankton of two pools in the Morava river floodplain. 25 pp. [95100] [M30] Acta Musei Moraviae, Sci. biol.
  150  6
 Koste W., 1973: Zur Kenntnis der Rotatorienfauna der „schwimmenden Wiese“ einer Uferlagune in der Várzea Amazoniens, Brasilien. 35 pp. Amazoniana 5(1): 25-59.
  195  8
 Koste W., Böttger K., 1989: Rotatorien aus Gewässern Ecuadors. 32 pp. Amazoniana 10(4): 407-438.
  195  8
 Koste W., Hardy E. R., 1984: Taxonomic studies and new distribution records of Rotifera (Phylum Aschelminthes) from Rio Jarapú and Uatuma, Amazonas, Brazil. 13 pp. Amazoniana 9(1): 17-29.
  95  4
 Koste W., Robertson B., 1983: Taxonomic studies of the Rotifera (Phylum Aschelminthes) from a Central Amazonian Varzea lake, Lago Camaleao. [Ilha de Marchantaria, Rio Solimoes, Amazonas, Brazil).] 30 pp. Amazoniana 8(2): 225-254.
  195  8
 Koste W., Robertson B., 1990: Taxonomic Studies of the Rotifera from Shallow Waters on the Island of Maracá, Roraima, Brazil. 16 pp. Amazoniana 11(2): 185-200.
  95  4
 Koste W., Robertson B., Hardy E., 1984: Further taxonomical studies of the Rotifera from Lago Camaleao, a Central Amazonian varzea lake (Ilha de Marchantaria, Rio Solimoes, Amazonas Brazil). 22 pp. Amazoniana 8(4): 555-576.
  150  6
ZVA 68   
 Krogh A., : Ethyl urethane as a narcotic for aquatic animals. 6 pp. (in English). 
  50  2
EVE 1062   
 Küry D., Zschokke S., 2000: Short-term consequences of river restoration on macroinvertebrate communities. 4 pp. (in German). Mitt. Dtsch. Ges. Allg. Agnew. Ent. 12: 237-240.
  50  2
LMN 17   
 Leentvaar P., 1979: Additions and corrections to the Brokopondo study (Surinam). 8 pp. Amazoniana 6(4): 520-528.
  50  2
SPX 05069   
 Margraf J., Maass B., 1982: Zur Ökologie der temporären Süßwasserflachseen des Tafelbergs „Giara di Gesturi“ auf Sardinien. 31 pp. [95272] Spixiana 5(1): 69-99.
  195  8
 Marlier G., 1967: Ecological studies on some lakes of the Amazon Valley. [Estudos ecológicos em alguns lagos da Amazônia.] 25 pp. Amazoniana 1(2): 91-115.
  195  8
FSA 06053   
 McCain J. C., 1984: The intertidal infauna of the sand beaches in the northern area, Arabian Gulf, Saudi Arabia. 26 pp. Fauna of Saudi Arabia 6: 53-78.
  150  6
FSA 06079   
 McCain J. C., 1984: The nearshore, soft-bottom benthic communities of the northern area, Arabian Gulf, Saudi Arabia. 23 pp. Fauna of Saudi Arabia 6: 79-101.
  95  4
FSA 06102   
 McCain J. C., Tarr A. B., Carpenter K. E., Coles S. L., 1984: A survey of coral reefs and reef fishes in the northern area, Arabian Gulf, Saudi Arabia. 25 pp. Fauna of Saudi Arabia 6: 102-126.
  195  8
ZBA 21055   
 Mezzetti M. C., Gambineri S., Rossano C. C., Scapini F., 2010: Visual ecology of talitrid amphipods from Mediterranean and Atlantic coasts. Ecología visual de anfípodos talítridos de las costas Mediterráneas y Atlánticas. 9 pp. Zoologica Baetica 21: 55-63.
  50  2
BOT 307   
 Miotti C., Checchin E., Dri C., Gentilin S., Pessa G., Rismondo A., Curiel D., Cecconi G., Cerasuolo C., 2006: Biodiversita fito-zoobentonica della barriera sommersa di Pellestrina (Nord Adriatico). 8 pp. (in French). Bolletino del Museo civico di Storia naturale di Venezia 57: 45-52.
  50  2
EVE 941   
 Nagumo T., Tanaka J., 1990: Epiphytic diatoms on red algae in Tokunoshima Island of the Amami Islands. 7 pp. (in Japanese). Memoirs of the National Science Museum 23: 15-21.
  50  2
EVE 942   
 Nagumo T., Tanaka J., 1994: Epiphytic diatoms on a red alga, Ptilota filicina J. Ag., in Hokkaido, Japan. 11 pp. (in Japanese). Memoirs of the National Science Museum 27: 43-53.
  50  2
 Naumann E., : Das limnologische Laboratorium in Aneboda, Schweden. 28 pp. (in German). 
  195  8
 Naumov D. V., 1953: Obšèie voprosy metageneza v svjazi s ustanovleniem perviènogo pokolenia u metagenetièeskich gidrozoev. 21 pp. 
  95  4
 Ohly J., 1985: Die Wasserbüffelwirtschaft am mittleren Amazonas aus der Sicht der jüngsten Entwicklungen. 17 pp. Amazoniana 9(3): 441-457.
  95  4
 Okazawa T., 1975: Aquatic insect survey of the river Kaunnai, with special reference to the Rockey Chute Bed fauna. 16 pp. Kontyu, Tokyo 43(4): 497-512.
  150  6
ZBA 21045   
 Ortega I., Díaz Y. J., Martín A., 2010: Feeding rates and food preferences of the amphipods present on macroalgae Ulva sp. and Padina sp. Tasas de alimentación y preferencias alimenticias de los anfípodos presentes en las algas Ulva sp. y Padina sp. 9 pp. Zoologica Baetica 21: 45-53.
  50  2
 Ozereckovskaya N. G., Smirnova N. F., 1959: Gidrochimièeskie issledovania r. Psekups i prudov Krasnodarskogo kraja v svjazi s udobreniem. 33 pp. 
  195  8

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