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Agriculture, forestry, pests, applied biology

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COL 760   
 Petruška F., 1969: K možnosti úniku jednotlivých složek epigeické fauny polí z formalinových zemních pastí (Coleoptera). 26 pp. 
  50  2
ORT 1375   
 Peveling R., 2000: Impact of locust control on non-target arthropods-environmental monitoring, risk assessment and risk management. 6 pp. (in German). Mitt. Dtsch. Ges. Allg. Agnew. Ent. 12: 149-154.
  50  2
AGR 56   
 Pfeffer A., 1945: Hubení škodlivého hmyzu v lese. 50 pp. 
  50  2
 Pfeffer A., et al., 1954: Lesnická zoologie I. 296 pp.  Discount 20%!
  76  3.20
 Pfeffer A., et al., 1954: Lesnická zoologie II. 622 pp.  Discount 20%!
  120  4.80
 Phillips J. S., 1956: Immature nutfall of coconuts in the British Solomon Islands Protectorate. 21 pp. Bulletin of entomological research 47(3): 575-595.
  150  6
SCA 1750   
 Picker M. D., Midgley J. J., 1996: Pollination by monkey beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Hopliini): flower and colour preferences. 8 pp. African Entomology 4(1): 7-14.
  50  2
AGR 128   
 Plarre R., Halverson S., Burkholder W., Bigelow T., Misenheimer M., 2000: Einsatz von energiereichen hochfrequenten Mikrowellen zur selektiven Bekämpfung von Schadinsekten im Getreide (Vorratsschutz). 6 pp. (in German). Mitt. Dtsch. Ges. Allg. Agnew. Ent. 12: 155-160.
  50  2
EFA 3627   
 Poorkashkooli M., Aleosfoor M., Minaei K., 2015: Effect of Tomato spotted wilt virus on life table parameters of Frankliniella intonsa (Trybom) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) under laboratory conditions. 16 pp. Entomofauna 36: 333-348.
  95  4
 Povolný D., 1949: Podkopěnkoví moli rodu Lithocolletis Hb. na ovocných stromech. Fyletické vztahy živných rostlin a jejich škůdců. The members of genus Lithocolletis Hb. mining Prunoidea and Pomoidea. 58 pp. (in Czech). 
  295  12
AEB 63128   
 Povolný D., 1966: A type revision of some Old-World species of the tribe Gnorimoschemini with a special regard to pests (Lepidoptera). 21 pp. Acta entomologica Bohemoslovaca 63: 128-148.
  150  6
AEB 70209   
 Povolný D., 1973: Symmetrischema capsicivorum sp. n. (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae), a new insect pest of red pepper from the Neotropical Region. 5 pp. Acta Entomologica Bohemoslovaca 70: 209-213.
  50  2
AEB 77055   
 Povolný D., 1980: Scrobipalpopsis (Scrobischema subgen. n.) vergarai sp. n., a potential pest species in Colombia (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae). 9 pp. Acta entomologica Bohemoslovaca 77: 55-63.
  50  2
 Povolný D., 1986: A review of long-term pheromone monitoring of several microlepidopterous pests of fruit cultures in South Moravia. 21 pp. [M57] Acta Univ. Agric. (Brno), 34: 181-201.
  150  6
 Povolný D., 1991: Zur Bionomie und Ökonomischen Bedeutung der Tribus Gnorimoschemini (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae). 17 pp. Acta Univ. Agric. (Brno), 39: 275-291.
  150  6
 Povolný D., Hula V., 2004: Ein neuer, nach Südwesteuropa eindringender Kartoffelschädling, die Grosse Kartoffel-Knollenmotte, Scrobipalpopsis solanivora (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae). 14 pp. [M57] Entomol. Generalis, 27: 155-168.
  95  4
CUR 1385   
 Prell H., 1927: Ein Rüsselkäfer (Codiosoma spadix Herbst) als holzerstörendes Hausinsekt. 15 pp. 
  50  2
INS 789   
 Prescher S., Büchs W., 2000: Der Einfluß abgestufter Extensivierungsmaßnahmen im Ackerbau auf die Struktur der Phytophagen Brachycerazönose. 6 pp. (in German). Mitt. Dtsch. Ges. Allg. Angew. Ent. 12: 347-352.
  50  2
FEB 10107   
 Příhoda A., 1947: Scenopinus fenestralis L. Diptera – ničitel molů – Scenopinidae (Omphralidae). [Scenopinus fenestralis L. Diptera – destroyer of moths – Scenopinidae (Omphralidae)]. 4 pp. (in Czech). [DIP 2758] Folia entomologica 10: 107-110.
  50  2
LEP 6771   
 Pringle K. L., Eyles D. K., Brown L., 2003: Trends in codling moth activity in apple orchards under mating disruption using pheromones in the Elgin area, Western Cape Province, South Africa. 11 pp. African Entomology 11(1): 65-75.
  50  2
ARA 2121   
 Quiróz M., Poleo N., Petit Y., 2002: Evolución del dano en el ápice del fruto de guayaba, Psidium guajava L., causado por Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes) (Acari: Tenuipalpidae). [Development of the apical tip damage of guava fruit, Psidium guajava L., caused by Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes) (Acari: Tenuipalpidae).] 6 pp. Entomotropica 17(1): 91-96.
  50  2
AGR 160   
 Quisenberry S. S., 1990: Plant resistance to insects and mites in forage and turf grasses. 11 pp. (in English). Florida Entomologist 73(3): 411-421.
  50  2
HYM 7321   
 Raatikainen M., 1962: Hymenoptera species occurring in stems of spring wheat and the damage caused by them to wheat crops in Finland. 9 pp. 
  50  2
 Raesfeld F. von, 1931: Das deutsche Weidwerk. Ein Lehr- und Handbuch der Jagd. Illustriert von Karl Wagner mit 310 Textabbildungen und 18 zum Teil mehrfarbigen Tafeln. 707 pp.  Discount 50%!
  495  20
AGR 97   
 Rafes P. M., 1956: Insects- pests of Elaeagnus calligonum, and Tamarix, growing on the Naryn sands (semidesert toward the East of the Volga). 13 pp. (in Russian). Entomologitsheskoe obozrenie 35(4): 805-817.
  50  2
JPE 07089   
 Rahman M. T., Khalequzzaman M., Rahman Khan M. A., 2004: Assessment of infestation and yield loss stem borers on variety of rice. 7 pp. [AGR 93]  Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology 7(1): 89-95.
  50  2
AGR 161   
 Rappard I. F. W., Karstel H. R., 1960: Eiwitbehoefte, jacht en inzameling. 3 pp. (in Dutch). Overdruk van Ned. Nieuw-Guinea 5: 2-4.
  50  2
 Ratzeburg J. T. C., 1876: Die Waldverderber und ihre Feinde. Ein Handbuch für Forstmänner, Landwirthe, Gärtner und alle mit Waldbäumen Beschäftigte. Siebente Auflage in vollständig neuer Bearbeitung herausgegeben von Dr. J. F. Judeich... 525 pp. Hard cover, MORE USED book but pages complete and clear.   Discount 30%!
  693  28
BZB 50183   
 Reese D., 2002: On the incised cattle scapulae from the East Mediterranean and Near East. 16 pp. Bonner zoologische Beiträge 50(3): 183-198.
  95  4
HYM 7503   
 Ribbands R., 1955: Autumn Feeding. 2 pp. (in English). American Bee Journal 95(9): 350-351.
  50  2
 Richards A. M., Filewood L. W., 1988: The effect of agricultural crops and weeds on thebionomics of the pest species compising the Epilachna vigintioctopunctata complex (Col., Coccinellidae). 16 pp. 
  95  4
IJE 05103   
 Rivnay E., 1970: Temperature dependence of Spodoptera littoralis (Boisd.) populations in Israel. 22 pp. Israel Journal Ent. 5: 103-124.
  150  6
IJE 06191   
 Rivnay E., 1971: Problems in pest management in Israel. 3 pp. Israel Journal Ent. 6(2): 191-193.
  50  2
JJE 04091   
 Romero M. V.,Takahashi K., 2001: Investigation of stored-product insect pests and their natural enemies in Okinawa-jima and Ishigaki-jima Islands, Okinawa, Japan. 8 pp. (in Japenese). Japanese Journal of Entomology (N. S.) 4(3): 91-97.
  50  2
 Roosmalen M. G. M. van, Garcia O. M. C. G., 2000: Fruits of the Amazonia forest. Part II: Sapotaceae. 104 pp. Acta Amazonica 30(2): 187-290.
  590  24
 Rose A. H., Lindquist O. H., 1973: Insects of eastern pines. 127 pp. 
  150  6
IJE 06035   
 Rosen D., Harpaz I., Samish M., 1971: Two species of Saissetia (Homoptera: Coccidae) injurious to olive in Israel and their natural emenies. 19 pp. Israel Journal Ent. 6(1): 35-53.
  95  4
QEN 11097   
 Rosenberg D. M., 1975: Food chain concentration of chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticides in invertebrate communities: A re-evaluation. 14 pp. Quaestiones Entomologicae 11(1): 97-110.
  50  2
JRS 132037   
 Roy S., Mukhopadhyay A., Gurusubramanian G., 2011: Resistance to insecticides in field-collected populations of tea mosquito bug (Helopeltis theivora Waterhouse) from the Dooars (North Bengal, India) tea cultivations. 8 pp. Journal of the Entomological Research Society 13(2): 37-44.
  50  2
CEB 01113   
 Rubtsova L. E., 2005: Experimental infection of two species of beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae; Buprestidae) by entomopathogenic nematode Steinernema carpocapsae (Weiser, 1955) (Rhabditida: Steinernematidae). 5 pp. (in Russian). Caucasian entomological bulletin 1(2): 113-117.
  50  2
ASN 49   
 Rust M. K., Reierson D. A., 1988: Performance of insecticides for control of cat fleas (Siphonaptera: Pulicidae) indoors. 5 pp. 
  50  2
PPE 41775   
 Ruszkowska I., Leski R., 1971: Achievements of agricultural entomology. 26 pp. [70244] Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne 41(4): 775-802.
  95  4
AGR 58   
 Ruszkowski A., 1959: Niektóre perspektywy kierunkowe rozwoju ochrony roslin przed szkodnikami (artykul dyskusyjny). 5 pp. 
  50  2
DIP 7104   
 Rygg T. D., Braekke H. P., 1980: Swede midge (Contarinia naturtii Kieffer) (Diptera, Cecidomyiade). Investigations on biology, symptoms of attack and effects on yield. 9 pp. 
  50  2
AGR 98   
 Sabirova O., 1985: Peculiarities of the soil mesofauna in the south-western Turkmenia. 8 pp. (in Russian). Entomologitsheskoe obozrenie 64(3): 525-532.
  50  2
AGR 99   
 Sagoyan R. S., Sugonyaev E. S., 1986: On the problem of classification and methodology of plant protection measures against arthropod pests. 10 pp. (in Russian). Entomologitsheskoe obozrenie 65(4): 662-671.
  50  2
AGR 59   
 Sales-Campos C., Abreu R. L. S., Vianez B. F., 2000: Conditions of use and processign of wood in wood industries of Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil. 13 pp. Acta Amazonica 30(2): 319-331.
  50  2
 Salzmann R., Keller E. R., 1969: Krankheiten und Schädlinge der Kartoffel. 150 pp.  Discount 20%!
  76  3.20
COL 1029   
 Samedov N. G., 1960: Zur ökologischen Charakteristik der Fauna von Käfern die als Schädlinge der Landwirtschaft in Azerbeidschan bekannt sind. 3 pp. 
  50  2
COL 1026   
 Samedov N. G., 1961: Nekotorye osobennosti rasprostraneniya otdelnykh grupp vrednykh zhukov v Azerbajzhane. 6 pp. 
  50  2

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