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AZO 50247   
 Ilieva-Makulec K., 2000: Nematode fauna of a cultivated peat meadow in relation to soil depth. 8 pp. [EVE 348] Annales Zoologici 50/2: 247-254
  50  2
DIP 1375   
 Illéšová D., Halgoš J., 1997: The typification of spring areas according to black fly coenoses in Slovakia (Diptera, Simullidae). 5 pp. 
  50  2
PLE 95   
 Illies J., 1963: Neue Plecopteren aus den Karpathen. 8 pp. 
  50  2
 Illies J., 1963: Revision der südamerikanischen Gripopterygidae (Plecoptera). 104 pp. 
  790  32
PLE 144   
 Illies J., 1964: Das 3. internationale Symposium über Plecopteren. 10 pp. 
  50  2
 Illies J., 1964: Die Plecopteren-Unterfamillie Andiperlinae (Auflösung einer unnatürlichen Negativgruppe nach Remane). 12 pp. 
  95  4
PLE 96   
 Illies J., 1964: Neue Plecopteren aus Chile und Argentinien. 6 pp. 
  50  2
PLE 145   
 Illies J., 1965: Entstehung und Verbreitungsgeschichte einer Wasserinsektenordnung (Plecoptera). 10 pp. 
  50  2
PLE 146   
 Illies J., 1967: Die Gattung Megaleuctra (Plecopt., Ins.). Beitrag zur konsequent-phylogenetischen Behandlung eines incertae-sedis-Problems. 11 pp. 
  50  2
DIP 1376   
 Illies J., 1967: Eine Zusammenstellung aller die europäischen Binnengewässer bewohnenden mehrzelligen Tierarten mit Angaben über ihre Verbreitung und Ökologie. 5 pp. 
  50  2
EPH 65   
 Illies J., 1980: Ephemeropteren-Emergenz in zwei Lunzer Bächen (1972-1977). 13 pp. 
  50  2
BVA 87   
 Ilming H., 1969: Höhlen und Burgen. 5 pp. (in German). 
  50  2
LEP 1723   
 Ilse D., 1965: Versuche zur Orientierung von Tagfaltern. 14 pp. 
  50  2
JPE 07081   
 Im D. J., Kim W. T., Boo K. S., 2004: Purification and partial c DNA sequence of acetylcholinesterase from a Korean strain of the housefly, Musca domestica. 7 pp. [DIP 6418] (in English). Journal Asia-Pacific Entomology 7(1): 81-87.
  50  2
APT 467   
 Imadaté G., 1960: A new species of Protura from the Solomon Islands: Acerentulus solomonis sp. nov. 4 pp. 
  50  2
APT 468   
 Imadaté G., 1961: Three new species of the genus Acerentulus Berlese (Protura) from Japan. 9 pp. 
  50  2
APT 469   
 Imadaté G., 1966: Proturans collected by the Chiba University Scientific Expedition to the Nepal Himalaya, 1963. 1 pp. 
  50  2
APT 470   
 Imadaté G., 1966: Results of the Speleological Survey in South Korea 1966. III. Occurrence of Protura in South Korea. 4 pp. 
  50  2
APT 471   
 Imadaté G., 1969: A new species of the genus Silvestridia Bonet (Protura) from Japan. 5 pp. 
  50  2
APT 213   
 Imadaté G., 1977: A new species of the genus Gracilentulus (Protura, Acerentomidae) from Tsushima Islands, Japan. 4 pp. Kontyu, Tokyo 45(2): 161-164.
  50  2
 Imadaté G., 1980: A new genus of Acerentomidae (Protura) from Japan and North America. 13 pp. Kontyu, Tokyo 48(2): 278-290.
  95  4
APT 214   
 Imadaté G., 1980: Occurence of Berberentulus (Protura, Acerentomidae) in North America. 4 pp. Kontyu, Tokyo 48(1): 100-103.
  50  2
APT 215   
 Imadaté G., 1981: Occurence of Tuxenentulus (Protura, Acerentomidae) in North America. 5 pp. Kontyu, Tokyo 49(1): 178-182.
  50  2
APT 466   
 Imadaté G., : Taxonomic arrangement of Japanese Protura (II). 2 pp. 
  50  2
APT 216   
 Imadaté G., Kurosa K., 1980: A note on Protura from Izu-Ao-ga-shima Island. 1 pp. Kontyu, Tokyo 48(2): 309.
  50  2
APT 48   
 Imadeté G., 1973: Contribution to the proturan fauna of Korea. 5 pp. 
  50  2
APT 49   
 Imadeté G., 1994: A new Eosentomon (Protura, Eosentomidae) from Yonaguni Island, Southwest Japan. 5 pp. 
  50  2
APT 50   
 Imadeté G., Weny Y., Rong X., 1995: Three new eosentomid species (Protura, Eosentomidae) from Yunnan, Southwest China. 10 pp. 
  50  2
ESC 11075   
 Imafuku M., 2008: Variation in UV light reflected from the wings of Favonius and Quercusia butterflies. 6 pp. Entomological Science 11(1): 75-80.
  50  2
ESC 15400   
 Imafuku M., Kubota H. Y., Inouye K., 2012: Wing colors based on arrangement of the multilayer structure of wing scales in lycaenid butterflies (Insecta: Lepidoptera). 8 pp. Entomological Science 15(4): 400-407.
  50  2
JJS 15361   
 Imai A., 2009: New species and new records of the fukuyamensis-group in the genus Pagaronia (Auchenorrhyncha, Cicadellidae, Evacanthinae) from Shikoku. 6 pp. Japanese Journal of systematic Entomology (N.S.) 15(2): 361-366.
  50  2
JJS 16115   
 Imai A., 2010: Four new species of the genus Pagaronia belonging to the harpagonis-group (Auchenorrhyncha, Cicadellidae, Evacanthinae) from Shikoku. 8 pp. Japanese Journal of systematic Entomology (N.S.) 16(1): 115-122.
  50  2
DIP 7202   
 Imai C., 1984: Population dynamics of houseflies, Musca domestica, on experimentally accumulated refuse. 10 pp. 
  50  2
DIP 7203   
 Imai C., 1985: A new method to control houseflies, Musca domestica, at waste disposal sites. 13 pp. 
  50  2
ESC 07133   
 Imai K., Ohsaki N., 2004: Oviposition site of and gall formation by the fruit gall midge Asphondylia aucubae (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) in relation to internal fruit structure. 5 pp. (in English). Entomological Science 7: 133-137.
  50  2
HNR 64   
 Imajima H., Takeda M., Owada M., Kashiwadani H., Kadota Y., Tiba T., Uemura K., Mizoguchi Y., 1986: Natural History Researches of the Hokuriku and San-in District. 6 pp. (in Japanese). Memoirs of the National Science Museum 19: 1-6.
  50  2
EVE 904   
 Imajima M., 1986: Serpulids around Dôgo Island, the Oki Islands, Japan. 5 pp. (in Japanese). Memoirs of the National Science Museum 19: 153-157.
  50  2
EVE 905   
 Imajima M., 1988: Polychaetous annelids of Ishikari Bay, Hokkaido. 7 pp. (in Japanese). Memoirs of the National Science Museum 21: 123-129.
  50  2
EVE 906   
 Imajima M., 1990: Spionids (Annelida, Polychaeta) obtained by dredging from Oshima strait and Yakiuchi Bay, Amami-Oshima of the Ryukyu Islands. 7 pp. Memoirs of the National Science Museum 23: 93-99.
  50  2
 Imajima M., 1994: Polychaetous annelids of Akkeshi Bay, Hokkaido. 21 pp. Memoirs of the National Science Museum 27: 105-125.
  150  6
HNR 65   
 Imajima M., Kubodera T., Shinohara A., Kashiwadani H., Kadota Y., Tiba T., Uemura K., Matsumura H., 1993: Preface to the Natural History Researches of Eastern Hokkaido. 6 pp. (in Japanese). Memoirs of the National Science Museum 26: 1-6.
  50  2
PSC 245   
 Imamura H., Mcgrouther M., 2008: New records of a flathead fish, Onigocia Grandisquama (Regan, 1908) (Teleostei: Platycephalidae) from Australia. 5 pp. (in English). Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 52(2): 239-243.
  50  2
JPE 12213   
 Imani Z., Shishehbor P., Sohrabi F., 2009: The effect of Tetranychus turkestani and Eutetranychus orientalis (Acari: Tetranychidae) on the development and reproduction of Stethorus gilvifrons (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). 4 pp. Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology 12(4): 213-216.
  50  2
LEP 5871   
 Imby L., 1976: Leucania l-album L., en för Sverige ny noctuid (Lepidoptera). 1 pp. Entomologisk tidskrift 97(1-2): 95.
  50  2
TRI 373   
 immins D. E., 1956: A new species of Cheumatopsyche (Trichoptera, Hydropsychidae) from Central Africa. 3 pp. 
  50  2
DIP 7464   
 Imms A. D., 1912: On the affinities of the subfamily Corethrinae of the Culicidae. 4 pp. (in English). Journal of Economic Biology 7(1): 1-4.
  50  2
DIP 1377   
 Imms A. D., 1942: On Braula coeca Nitsch and its affinities. 13 pp. 
  50  2
DIP 1378   
 Impiccini R., Marini M., 1998: Osservazioni morfologiche ed ecologiche su Ephydra flavipes (Masquart, 1843) (Diptera, Ephydridae). 6 pp. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Ferrara 1: 63-68.
  50  2
JJS 15263   
 Imura J., 2009: Two cydnid species (Heteroptera, Cydnidae) new to the fauna of Japan. 4 pp. Japanese Journal of systematic Entomology (N.S.) 15(1): 263-266.
  50  2
JJS 22249   
 Imura J., 2016: A new species of the genus Chilocoris Mayr from Japan, with special reference to the morpholoy of its internal organs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Cydnidae). 16 pp. Japanese Journal of Systematic Entomology 22(2): 249-264.
  95  4

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